Himalayas, Great Plains & The Plateaus
Extravagant Peaks, Soaring Sunsets, & Enlivening Monsoon
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“Real simplicity is engendered by the insight of the artist into the abiding qualities in his motif, and an ability to choose these qualities for his use, omitting the dross.”
“Study hard what interests you the most in the most undisciplined, irreverent and original manner possible.”
“Breathe. Take care. Stand still for a minute. What you are looking for might just be looking for you too.”
“The sketch is a true statement of things as you found them: the picture is an arrangement of these things as you wish them to be.”
The rural fabrics
The places where we spent our childhood days have a special place in our lives. I love them not only because I spend my childhood in these places but also because they are inevitably beautiful. This is where it all started, the love for nature. I remember playing in these fields, I remember sitting under trees during hot summer days, witnessing the changes in the shapes of clouds, I remember walking on the wet soil barefoot after a period of heavy rain. After many years, the camera in my hand rediscovered these moments and stored them physically for a long time.
“This world is but canvas to our imaginations.”
“The inspiration you seek is already within you. Be silent and listen.”